A Mother's Story by Maggie C Romero

This exceptional book about generational addiction is a fearless, soul-bearing truth of Romero’s childhood experiences in an alcohol-addicted family. Romero shows clearly the beginnings of her childhood wounds, then traces them through her generation with three children. She brings us right with her in her painful understanding the ugly unique effect on individuals. Simultaneously she is hard at work to heal her own wounds.

I was also born into a generational alcohol-addicted family and worked many years at healing. How do we acquire these wounds and how, inadvertently, do we pass them on to our own children? It has been Maggie Romero who has given me the deepest and broadest understanding of the process.

Until we understand and overcome the horrific nature of addiction wounds, they will travel on into future family generations.

I wish I had found this book much earlier than in my present autumn years. Yet, as many books and people have entered my life at just the right moment, so has Angie. I highly recommend it.