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I completed the Sunshine and Shadow quilt square today, which will be the masthead of Chapter 17 in my memoir. I particularly love greens and yellows, and these added an extra dimension of mindful pleasure to the lengthy process of making the pattern grids and then constructing the quilt block.

Four squares are now completed of the thirty-five that make up the quilt grid I planned out last fall, so I have a long journey ahead with the pleasing-to-me array of patterns and squares that remain to be created. When I was much younger, I had little patience for the time that long-term projects required; I wanted to get it done quickly so I could hold the completed project in my hands. A generous gift of the passing decades has been one of learning to focus on one thing at a time and experience the deep pleasure such mindfulness gives.

Thus I have tagged this post under Gifts, Gratitude, as well as Quilts. And, now I look forward with pleasure to starting the next quilt square tomorrow.