Those Ten Pounds – Three Months Later
Remember those ten pounds I talked about three months ago that transformed into my wake-up call? The pounds that caused my A1C (a 3-6 month average of blood sugar levels) to elevate high enough that my doctor put me on diabetic medication. I was horrified, since I’d been controlling my Type 2 diabetes with diet and exercise for the past twenty years.
That day I decreased my portions and increased my walking to roughly 10,000 steps a day, about 4 miles for me. My beagle-wippet, Beau, loved all our walks together! Me, too.
Three months later, I requested another A1C test, after losing fifteen pounds. My doctor called the day after to tell me my A1C was the lowest she’s ever seen for me. Discontinue the glucophage, she said, and keep working on lifestyle. I was, of course, thrilled.
Am I bragging? Not at all.
So, then, why do I write this post? Simply, once again, I’m stunningly reminded that we are sometimes graced with the ability to improve our health simply with our choices. How awesome is that?
The final glucophage tablet is on the placemat. I no longer need the medication.